Special Education
We provide educational programs and services for academically and physically challenged students who may experience barriers to their education, in compliance with State and Federal laws. Qualified individuals attending our school district are provided with programs and/or services based upon individual needs and determined in adherence to State and Federal law.
Michigan law requires that all students who have disabilities (to the extent that the disability results in significant interference with school performance) be provided with special education programs and services. The special education programs and services are to be individually planned (Individual Education Plan or IEP) by a multidisciplinary team which includes the parents.
The purpose of the IEP is to provide each student with an education plan designed to deliver an appropriate educational growth benefit. FPS provides special education programs and services for students in preschool through high school. Additional services are available through cooperative agreements with the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD) and other area school districts.
Every school has a team of professional educators who work with the special needs of children. These include special education teachers, administrators, speech and language therapists, social workers and school psychologists. They work cooperatively with teachers and parents to identify specific needs and develop necessary accommodation plans to support student achievement.
Most of our students with documented disabilities spend the majority of their school day engaged in the general education curriculum within their neighborhood school. Students with disabilities also have opportunities for specialized programs and services based upon their unique, individual needs and may receive:
Specialized instruction within general education classrooms
Specialized instruction for a portion of the school day in special education learning center classrooms, called Resource Rooms
Full-day specialized instruction in special education classrooms
A variety of other support and related services are also available to meet identified individual needs
Child Find
FPS provides academic and behavioral assessment services. We are responsible for the identification, evaluation, programming, transitional needs, related services and education records for children who are disabled or suspected of having a disability as defined in either the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
For more information about services, parent/student rights or referral procedures, contact the Fitzgerald Public Schools Student Services Department.
Specific Learning Disability Determination Process
Consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA) regulation ss 300.307(a), the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has established the criteria that must be followed to determine the existence of a Specific Learning Disability (SLD).
On or before September 1, 2010, each local educational agency (LEA) and public school academy (PSA) must publicly post on their website, or make public through other means, the process or combination of processes which will be used by the LEA or PSA to determine the existence of a SLD [ss 300.307(b) and ss 600.600(d)(2)].
Therefore, Fitzgerald Public Schools guidelines for determining eligibility for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) will utilize a lack of response to research-based intervention (RtI) and/or pattern of strengths and weaknesses (PSW) model(s).
ECSE Program: The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program is designed to meet the needs of preschool aged children (ages 3 to 5) who have developmental delays. Eligibility for this program is determined through an evaluation process initiated by a referral from the parent and/or Early On/Child Find initiatives.
Mild Cognitive Impairment Program: FPS provides a continuum of services (grades kindergarten – 12th) for students who have mild cognitive impairments or require the additional support of a self contained special education program to meet their educational and developmental needs.
Resource Program: FPS provides a continuum of support services for students who experience mild to moderate learning difficulties. These support services may be offered in a separate classroom or in a general education classroom co-taught by general education and special education teachers.
SPARK Program: The SPARK program is a partnership between the Fitzgerald and Center Line school districts to educate students with specific needs at an early age and provide the best outcomes for the child’s future education. SPARK is designed to assist students in kindergarten through second grade that may be exhibiting characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and are having a difficult time in school due to delays in social and communication skills resulting in behavioral difficulties. These same students do not have a cognitive delay and through skill building should be able to fully access the general education curriculum. Referral for this program is through the child’s resident district’s Director of Special Education with the completion of the SPARK referral process.
MISD & LEA Center Programs: Students with moderate to severe disabilities who require specialized educational support not available in the local district are recommended for the MISD and LEA run center programs that best fit the needs of the student. Additional information about these programs is available on the MISD website.